(Old) Aquone NC
(Now covered by Nantahala Lake)
Front row: Unknow
2nd:Joan Nelson, (??),(??),Lenora Wright,(??), Trillba Wright,(??)
Back Row: (??) Lawton Coleman, (others Unknown)
School Teacher and Students
Wooden Bridge Across Nantahala River
Iron Bridge
Replaced Wooden Bridge that washed away
by ice jam..
When Nantahala Dam was built Bridge was moved to Appletree place.(Junaluska rd).Later moved to Sandy Davis Dr. (on Wayah Rd.)
Dave Howard's Store & Post Office..People unkown..
( Post Office Bulletin Board on Porch)
Nantahala River..(Beside the Church)
Moving Cemetery
Men in picture,L_R: Craig Step,France Roper
unkown,unkown, Authur Woods..
Charlie Evans
Garcie Wood Roper
Ed Howard, Carl Nelson, Ted Nelson
Javeen,Lillie & Jerlivee Allison
Jerlivee Allison Peyton, Lillie Evans Allison & Rosa Lee Medlin Daughter of Bonnie Evans Medlin.
Jerlivee Allison Peyton
Going Black Berry Picking
Now covered by Nantahala Lake
(Below Lakes End)
Drill Sharpening department;Man on left is Arthur Howard Cross
Blasting for the Spillway
Looking towards Todd's & Lake's End. Jane Hawks house on right.
That is the old gravel road.
Nora, Horace
Jim, Paul
Mark, Burdell, Elda
Gene, Charlie
Photo courtesy of
Burdell Bryant Church
Photos courtesy of
Burdell Bryant Church
Mary Ella Deweese Roper Robert S.(Sim) Roper
Photos Courtesy of
Gary Roper (son of France)
Ella, Golman, "Sim", "Blackeye", France, Gracie, Quentin, June (the little girl)
William and Rose Deweese Children; Floyd and Hazel
Dallas Solesbee, Floyd Deweese, Edgar Allison
Here are the names I know of the people. Seated are John L. Moore
and Artie Lukinza Howard Neal Moore. Standing by the post is my grandmother,
Artie Elmira Moore aged 18. The man on the left is Captain William Moore who
was called "Irish Bill" Moore but no relation to John L. Moore. This from
his grandson who married into the Neal family.
The picture was taken in 1893 on the front porch of the Moore house in
Aquone, NC. They had moved there in 1873 or so from Blount Co. TN.
Russell E. Cable
Photo Courtsey of
Russell Cable
This photo was taken on their
wedding day,April 2 1919
Photos courtesy of
Jerlivee Allson Peyton
Aquone 1943
Jerlivee Allson Peyton,holding Suzie Parker daughter of Oderay Allison Parker
This picture was made after the Nantahala Dam was finished and was filling up.This is the same area as the picture on the left.
Born in Aquone NC in1902 died 1981
Father; Dexter Ghormley, Mother; Lula Jane Solesbee, Grandfather; Rev.Michael Ghormley, Grandmother; Mary A Ghormley
Photo courtsey of
Blaine Ghormley
(Son of Ferdinand)

Hi Jim. I would like to relate to a couple of articles that Mr. Stepp had written. My father Ferdinand Ghormley, was at both of these placeswhen these events took place. I guess you could call it the shootout,
between Oz Wright, and Harley Baldwin. My dad was playing poker with these two men, and another man at the time. Harley Baldwin accused Oz Wright of cheating. Oz Wright pulled his gun from a shoulder holster and shot Harley Baldwin. Then Oz Wright ran. Immediately Harley Baldwin pulled his gun, and resting the pistol across his left arm, shot and killed Oz Wright. In the meantime my father dove behind a tree, hoping a wild bullet would not hit him. Fortunately it did not.
This is the story my father had told me, fifty to sixty years ago. There were also some stories of bootlegging that had taken place there. Now I'am trying to find some information, about my Great Grandmother, Mary A. Ghormley. She died in Burnington, in 1935.She was married to Rev. Michael Ghormley. She raised my father in Old Aquone, up into the early twenties. I would certainly appreciate any information. Blaine Ghormley
This article was sent to us by Blaine Ghormley from Metlakatla, Alaska.
Pictures courtesy of Wilma L. Thornton
Lester and Nola Shields Owenby
Lester and Nola Shields Owenby
with their Children and Nola's mother Lu
A.R. Munday lived 1/2 miles from the Moore's D.N. Kilpatrick lived 3/4 mile from the Moore's
Dr. A.N. Wood lived 1 to 1 1/2 miles from them. He treated John L. Moore as his Dr.
Berry Roper lived nearby.J.T. Taylor lived nearby, John Allison was a neighbor
G. W. Gregory was a neighbor.
Sent to me by; Wilma L. Thornton
Neighbors of John L. Moore
Lonnie Evans,Walter Evans, Joe Neal, Jewel Haney
Marylin Evans, Javeen Allison and wife Ann
Javeen Allison and Cousin Lois Campbell Lathrop
Marylin,Robert, Javeen, Bonnie Kay, and Lois.
Marylin Evans, Richard Evans and Lois.
William Duffle Neal
03-17-1883 10-05-1957
Mamie Jane Jones
03-25-1885 06-01-1972
Duffle (holding Kathryn), Bert, Mamie, Kenneth.
Back; Redge, Vaughn
#4;William Duffle Neal--Born 03-17-1883 Died 10-05-1957--Burial: Aquone Baptist Church Cemetery
Son of Samuel & Catherine Dills Neal--(His paternal grandmother was Artie Lukinza Howard Neal Moore,
whose 1rst husband, John Alexander Neal, died in the Civil War.fighting for the Union.)
He had 6 brothers: Arch Neal, Alex Neal, Calvin Neal, Lawrence Neal, Thomas Neal, & Jim Neal
He had 4 sisters: Bertha Neal Moody, Florence Neal Garrett (a twin to Lawrence) Cora Neal Gribble,
& Anna Neal Howard.He had 1 step-brother: Daniel R. Neal.
He was married:02-17-1903 to Mamie Jane Jones: Born 03-25-1885 Died: 06-01-1972--Burial same
She was the daughter of: James Columbus Jones ( whose father was Riley Jones from Clay Co.N.C.,
the Shooting Creek Community) He was born in 1856.Her Mother was Hattie Baldwin Jones ( whose father was Abe Baldwin & mother was Martha Pendergrass Baldwin, both of Kyle, N.C.- She was born 03-29-1866.)
She had 4 sisters: Julie Jones Carpenter, Mae Jones Nichols Hardy, Maggie Jones Wright, & Palace Jones Lail.
William Duffle Neal & Mamie Jones Neal had 4 sons: Vaughn, Redge, Kenneth, Bert.1 daughter,Kathryn
They lived in Aquone until Mr. Neal's death in 1957.
Pictures and infomation
Courtsey of,
Jane Gaye Neal Frazier.
Darlene(Friend), Janey
Janey & Otelia Lail Balldwin
Janey and Dad (Vaughn Neal)
Back; Homer, Colt, Mettie, Dock,
Front; Gene, Alice, Jim, Etta, Mammie, Nora,